From Stuck to Success Using a Metabolic Transformation

Surpassed her weight loss goals by transforming her metabolism

From Stuck to Success Using a Metabolic Transformation

Surpassed her weight loss goals by transforming her metabolism

40+ | Busy Lifestyle | Health | Mom | Women

I surpassed my goal! My pre-children jeans are now loose. It's amazing to think about!
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I believe that with MetPro, I can have a better life in the future. As I enter my 40s, I have a body I never thought I’d have, and I’m proud of it. I’ve learned that I’m not stuck with the body and metabolism I thought I had inherited. With MetPro, I can teach my body to do what I want it to do.

Both my husband and I turned 40 this year, and our goal was to achieve a normal BMI. For me, that meant losing about 25 to 30 pounds, and I’m happy to say that I surpassed my goal. Besides achieving a normal BMI, I aimed to fit into my pre-children jeans, which are now loose – it’s amazing to think about!

The MetPro diet was not drastically different from what I had been eating for many years. We focused on eating clean, shopping on the outside of the grocery store, avoiding processed foods, and cooking real food. I didn’t change what I ate in a significant way; I primarily focused on when I ate and how much I consumed.

What I loved about MetPro is that it made it easy to stay persistent. The coaches provided valuable accountability, and the program’s variations based on my weekly goals kept me psychologically focused. This approach prevented mental fatigue and made it much easier to stay committed to the program.

Overall, MetPro has been a game-changer for me.