Chiropractor Transformation using Personalized Nutrition

Achieved results by incorporating personalized nutrition to her health-conscious lifestyle

Chiropractor Transformation using Personalized Nutrition

Achieved results by incorporating personalized nutrition to her health-conscious lifestyle

40+ | Busy Lifestyle | Medical Professional | Weight Loss

I feel fantastic at almost 46, even coaching a junior high soccer team. My stamina has improved, and I feel younger and more energetic throughout the day.
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I eat all organic and consume a lot of vegetables. I watch what I eat and exercise three to four times a week. Although I thought I was doing everything right, something seemed to be missing. So, I decided to seek help from a nutrition coach at MetPro.

Having someone tell me what to do, when to do it, and how to do it made a significant difference. Following the personalized plan was incredibly easy. I’ve been on this program for six months now, and it has become an integral part of my lifestyle.

My coach has been with me from the beginning, ensuring I eat correctly, maintain my food logs, and stay on track. Even if I had a cheat weekend, she encouraged me to get back on the right path. As a chiropractor with 17 years of experience, I know a lot about health, but it was nice to have someone put everything into a simple day-to-day process for me.

I’m amazed by the transformation I’ve experienced. Looking at my before and after pictures, I can’t believe the change. The best part is that I can now easily figure out what to eat at a restaurant without jeopardizing my portion sizes or progress.

MetPro offers a different kind of lifestyle approach. It’s not a diet; it’s personalized and teaches you how to eat healthily without starving yourself. I enjoyed my food, learned how to cook nutritious meals, and understood how to use food to boost my metabolism.

I would highly recommend MetPro to anyone looking to improve their health and well-being. I feel fantastic at almost 46, even coaching a junior high soccer team. My stamina has improved, and I feel younger and more energetic throughout the day. MetPro has truly added years to my life.