Marketing Executive Achieves Surprising Transformation

Losing 20 lbs was a transformation that surprised himself and others

Marketing Executive Achieves Surprising Transformation

Losing 20 lbs was a transformation that surprised himself and others

40+ | Executive | Muscle Build | Weight Loss

The combination of MetPro's exercise and nutrition program was the sweet spot that brought significant changes.
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I noticed there was just a one-pound difference from where I wanted to be. A friend pointed out the progress I had made, shedding around 14 pounds, and suggested I could get that last pound.

I have had different fitness experiences over the years, working out and having a trainer, but I never took nutrition seriously. I was a picky eater, and that made me hesitant to try and improve my nutrition, thinking I’d have to eat foods I didn’t like.

Then, I came across an Instagram sponsored ad for MetPro, and it felt like a good fit for me. I realized that if I was ever going to try something to improve my nutrition, now was the time. So, I took the profile and learned more about what MetPro offered, and I decided to give it a 90-day shot.

I run a marketing advertising agency, and my schedule is always on the go with frequent travel. Despite this, I set alarms for my meal times and found a way to make it work, thanks to meal planning and sticking to the routine.

My coach was supportive and positive, even trying to get me to eat vegetables, which I wasn’t accustomed to. Nevertheless, I achieved great results, dropping another 15 pounds on top of the 5 or 6 pounds I had lost over a year with just exercise.

The combination of exercise and MetPro’s nutrition program was the sweet spot that brought significant changes. Though I never saw myself as severely overweight, the transformations I’ve made have surprised everyone who hasn’t seen me for a few months.

The best part was that MetPro easily integrated into my lifestyle, and the continuous check-ins and support from my coach kept me motivated and accountable.

It wasn’t always easy to make decisions every day and do some meal prep, but MetPro made it manageable, and I’m thrilled with the results.