Power Berry Smoothie

Kickstart your day with this 5 ingredient smoothie!

Fruit, Smoothie, Snack

Yields 1 MetPro Servings Total

MetPro Serving Breakdown:

Meal Carbs = 1.5 (Basic: 22.5g meal carb)
Protein = 1 (Basic: 15g protein)


  • Kale, spinach or swiss chard (unlimited)
  • Frozen mixed berries (1 cup, depending on phase)
  • Greek Yogurt (4 oz, also depending on phase)
  • Water (1-2 cups, depending on thickness desired)
  • Ice (optional: coconut water ice cubes 5-10 cubes)


1.) Using water as your base add unlimited kale/spinach/swiss chard to blender.
2.) For most breakfast phases add 1 cup mixed berries (1.5 servings of carb meal).
3.) For most breakfast phases add 4oz of plain Greek yogurt (1 protein, ½ carb meal serving).
4.) Add as many ice cubes as desired.
5.) Blend and enjoy!

1.) Buy the mixed bag of kale/spinach/swiss chard from Costco and the frozen mixed berry bag.
2.) To make coconut water ice, use ice tray add coconut water and freeze overnight.

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