Lesson 5: Perception vs. Reality

Interacting daily with our clients at MetPro, we take note of every detail. We love feedback, and most of all we love learning. In this environment our experts have identified two very common beliefs. Interestingly we find one to be helpful and the other very harmful.

Here’s What You Should Know

Interacting daily with our clients at MetPro, we take note of every detail. We love feedback, and most of all we love learning. In this environment our experts have identified two very common beliefs. Interestingly we find one to be helpful and the other very harmful.

Here’s The Details

First, people believe they need someone to provide clear direction and tangible accountability. Good! This is exactly what the MetPro experts do. We analyze the data, we tell it like it is, we give specific (never vague) direction, and chart a course for our typically “very busy” clientele. Next we hold them accountable to follow through with specific changes. This viewpoint and willingness to accept professional guidance only helps them.

Second, we find a pervasive belief that if I work harder, eat less, or develop more willpower I will see results. The truth is that the data actually suggests something different. In fact, most people don’t even recognize where the real battleground resides. The common perception is if you show up with more will power at the kitchen table you’ll get the body you want. The data has opened our eyes to a broader reality. Willpower and intensity can only take us so far. The accumulation of smaller behaviors and habitual choices throughout the day, week, year, and so forth are what make up the largest piece of the pie when it comes to successfully changing our bodies. For example, we now have data that teaches us that the willpower to turn down a scoop of ice cream with dinner is less predictable as an indicator of weight loss then the willingness to habitually pack and eat the right snacks between meals.

Likewise, the willingness put yourself through a grueling workout, on it’s own, is a less reliable predictor of success. It’s strategic fitness planning, accessibility, and consistency that prevail. Something you’ll hear the educators at MetPro emphasizing is time management and strategy. Of course, given the opportunity, we might assign you a grueling workout, I mean after all, we’re trainers and it’s kind of our thing..

In our next lesson I’ll cover the most effective food prep and dinning strategies used for celebrities, executives, and the busiest people on the planet.

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