How to Stick to Your Diet at a Social Event

When you’re working hard to get yourself into shape or striving to reach your desired health goals, it's important to formulate a strategy to navigate social situations.

Traveling, dinners and social outings can add up to disaster if you’re not ultra-savvy. One of the most infamous complaints we hear is feeling like you have to choose between sticking to your diet and causing a scene at a social event.

When you’re working hard to get yourself into shape or striving to reach your desired health goals, it’s important to formulate a strategy to navigate social situations. Creating a healthy lifestyle means enjoying the things in your life that mean the most to you while maintaining your health. Don’t feel compelled to succumb to social pressure, instead have a plan of action prior to your social event. Here are four real-world tips to help you stick to your diet:

1) Eat First, Eat Twice: Eat your planned lunch, dinner, or meal BEFORE your social event. The error dieters make is eating less before events thinking they’re offsetting extra calories at the party – this is a big mistake. Most events have at least something in your diet. Don’t show up with low blood sugar and a raging appetite. You’ll eat far fewer calories if you eat a healthy meal before arriving — then eat a second light meal, selected hunger-free, at the event.

2) Bring Alcohol: You read right. We want you to bring alcohol. You’ve probably figured out that hard alcohol mixed with calorie-free beverages is a dieter’s best trick. The trouble is you never know what drinks will be served at your next function or dinner party. Eliminate the variable. Besides, who wants to show up for a dinner party empty-handed?

3) Sample, Don’t Pile: For buffet-style spreads place a small portion of several things on your plate instead of holding up the line while you figure out your best options. Being selective after you leave the buffet line will go unnoticed.

4) Ask for a To-Go Container With Your Entrée: For restaurant meals, ask your waiter to bring you a to-go box with your entrée. When it arrives you can scoop half into the container and avoid appearing as though you barely touched your meal.

The hardest part of following a diet is integrating it into your busy lifestyle. From traveling, eating at your favorite restaurants, attending business dinners, social events, and celebrations, you can beat the system and stick to your diet, you just need to know the tricks.

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