A Physician Experienced Sustained Weight Loss

Over a 6-month period, Mary lost 20 pounds and gained 4-5 pounds of lean body mass.

A Physician Experienced Sustained Weight Loss

Over a 6-month period, Mary lost 20 pounds and gained 4-5 pounds of lean body mass.

Medical Professional | Wellness

MetPro helps you to bust through the barriers that are holding you back. I feel that they really individualize the recommendation and help you personalize your goal.
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Before joining MetPro, I lived a moderately healthy lifestyle. I had been weight lifting for almost 11 years, avoided processed foods, and exercised 5-6 times per week. After having my second baby, over the course of three years, I managed to lose 30 pounds gradually without a formal program. However, I eventually realized that my progress had stalled, and I felt frustrated with the lack of results despite my efforts. That’s when I decided to take my health to the next level with MetPro.

Upon joining MetPro, I saw immediate results. In just a few months, I lost 20 pounds and about 5% body fat, the same amount I had lost in three years. My coach played a significant role in my success. I could contact her anytime and she provided valuable guidance, even recommending food options I hadn’t considered before.

Planning ahead became the key to my success with MetPro. As a busy physician and mom, preparing my meals in advance helped me stay on track. Having my meal plan accessible in the app and having my coach available for any questions made it easy to integrate my personalized nutrition strategy into my busy lifestyle. MetPro really tailored their recommendations to my needs and helped me personalize my goals.

I learned the importance of tracking and adapting my nutrition. MetPro’s approach focuses on meeting specific macronutrient ratios and eating every two to three hours, which I found to be highly effective. The app was a critical tool that kept me accountable, allowing me to monitor my adherence to the nutrition plan. I realized that I didn’t have to be perfect all the time, and still, I saw fantastic results by being 70-80% accurate.

The app’s usability and the wide selection of foods available for each meal made meal planning and staying on track simple. I also appreciated the workout section of the app, which offered various exercises from bodyweight routines to advanced weighted workouts. Combining spot-on nutrition with high-intensity intervals and weightlifting was key to my success.

Over a 6-month period, I lost 20 pounds and gained 4-5 pounds of lean body mass. MetPro’s unique approach and focus on practical problem-solving, resourcefulness, and technology not only improved my understanding of metabolism but also provided me with the specific steps to sustain progress for my metabolism and body type.

MetPro is more than just a diet; it’s a sustainable lifestyle. The healthy habits I’ve learned with exercise and nutrition are things I plan to maintain for the rest of my life, and I have no doubt about maintaining this weight in the long run.